English and Japanese testimonials from clients I've helped succeed. Read their comments here.

My track record speaks for itself. Have a look at which universities I've helped my clients gain admission to.

The services I most typically offer my clients. If you can't find what you are looking for, email me.
About Me
I was born in Toronto, Canada. I earned a Bachelor of English degree from the University of Toronto. I moved to Japan in 1998, wishing to learn what it's like to live in a different part of the world, and to become a teacher like my mother and father. After two years teaching English I then got 4 years of experience hiring, training and managing instructors.
In 2004 I started my MBA at Hitotsubashi University. I joined a small class of 50 students as we navigated the 2-year program. I became the Academic Rep for my class, helping my classmates make several substantative contributions to the program.
My MBA experience was transformative, and instilled in me the passion to help others have a similar experience. Since graduating in 2006 I have helped hundreds of clients gain acceptance to top graduate schools all over the world, mostly working in the largest testprep/counseling organization in Japan.
Currently I am an independent academic counselor, advising people on choosing programs as well as the process of applying to them. I am particularly passionate about helping clients draft powerful and eye-catching resumes, write clear and detailed essays, and tell memorable stories in interviews as they gain admittance to the best possible programs.
In addition, I counsel on career development and do mock interviews with students in the Hitotsubashi MBA program. I also teach part-time in the best TOEFL speaking school in Japan.
Feel free to contact me using this form or via email to john.couke@gmail.com with a question, for my intake form, more information about my services, or for any other reason. I look forward to hearing from you!

Client admitted to NYU Stern entering 2013